Capcut Velocity Edit Template | Get Step-By-Step Guide 2025

capcut velocity edit tutorial

Velocity edit Capcut Template is a video editing strategy used to make a video speed up or slow down at a particular point for certain seconds simultaneously. With this skill, you can make the velocity trend on Tiktok by combining slow and speedy videos. Capcut doesn’t come with the default “Edit Velocity ,” but you can make edits by tweaking the speed section. Get rid of the default video speed, make your creative library & present the video you like.Wikipedia

Consider a 10 seconds video of the runner. Speed up your video for the first four seconds, then make it slow for the next 5 to 7 seconds, and finally, you can change its speed to normal for the rest of the time. This is what the velocity capcut is all about.

Many Youtube channels provide the capcut velocity tutorial in their gameplay of the capcut application, where they slow down the particular action of characters like attacking movement. Let’s discuss how to do velocity capcut with flashy effect.

What Is Capcut?

Capcut is the emerging video editor owned and developed by Bytedance, who also owns Tiktok. The primary purpose of the development of capcut was to share social services among users. Capcut lets you creatively customize your videos to spark your creativity beyond limits.

Capcut gained popularity among Tiktok users by letting them create a funky-looking video.No one can match the fun quotient of velocity edit. This is what we’ll discuss today.

Before moving forward, you must have a capcut to get started.


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How To Make Velocity Edits On Capcut | Step-By-Step Guide

Now that you have acknowledged the velocity edit tutorial capcut, let’s see how we can achieve it through the best capcut velocity app.

Please follow these simple steps to know how to make a velocity in capcut .

Step1-Open Capcut App

To start, open the capcut app on your Android, IOS, or PC. Tap on the “New Project” appearing in the middle of the screen. Tap it to create a new video editing project in capcut.

capcut velocity edit tutorial

Step2-Add Desired Video

By clicking on the “New Project,” you’ll be headed toward your mobile gallery to select the video of your choice. You can also choose the “Stock Video” option to select the video.

how to make velocity edit on capcut

Select any video and press the “Add” button emerging in the lower right corner.

velocity edit tutorial capcut

You’ll see multiple menus at the bottom, but our main concern is speed. So to access the editing option, click on the “Edit” in the lower left corner.

velocity edit

Step3-Press Speed Button

To do a velocity on capcut, choose the video in the timeline and press the speed button below.

velocity edit tutorial

Step4-Click Curve Button

You’ll get two options in the Speed menu, “Normal” and “Curve.‘ The first is for the basic speed manipulation like Speed up and Slow down. The second option,” Curve’ is used to do velocity Capcut. Click on it to load the menus.

velocity edit on capcut

Step5-Click Custom Button

Capcut offers several presets for editing velocity, including Hero, Jumpcut, Montage, Bullet, Flash in, and Flash out. For the smooth edit, we’ll go with custom. Tap the Custom button twice to access the beats.

capcut velocity tutorial

You’ll see five beats there, indicating that your video is separated into five different symmetrical parts.

capcut velocity edit tutorial 1

Step6-Drags Dots To Edit Velocity

For the proper adjustment of velocity, hold any point in the spectrum to speed or slow down that particular area (known as Beat on capcut). Make speed adjustments between 0.1x to 10x. Additionally, to do frequent velocity altering, you can add beats by pressing the “Add Beat” button in the upper right corner.

how to make velocity edit on capcut

The critical thing to notice is that pinching one beat will not mess with others.

Step7-Save To Share Edit Velocity

Once you’re done editing and satisfied with the result, click on the tick mark option to save your changes.

velocity edit capcut

Tab the save button at the upper right corner to save the velocity capcut video in the gallery. You can also share it with friends on social media platforms Like Tiktok and Facebook to amaze your friends.

velocity edit capcut

How to Make Velocity Capcut that Rhymes with Music

Music is the soul that gives life to every attachment to which it is added. To make velocity more awesome, we’ll learn how to make velocity capcut that rhymes with music.

1- First, use the match cut feature from the capcut central workplace that will automatically create beats for your videos. These beats rhyme very well with the background music,

2- Secondly, go to the speed menu, then curve, and then the custom. You will find beats lined up in the timeline.

3- Then Drag and drop to adjust the velocity of every beat. Avoid changing the horizontal position of dots; otherwise, beat rhyme won’t work with the background music.


You must have cleared up How To Do Capcut Velocity Edit in the easiest way. Velocity edut gives the user control over speed to make the video more attractive and attractive. If your want to spark your creativity to a whole new level, you must give it a try to capcut.


Open capcut to Add the desired video and then Press the speed button.After that Click on Curve Button to Drag dots to edit velocity. Save to share edit velocity.

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